Hypertension is a disorder is charecterised by abnormal increase ofBlood pressure. Continuous increase inblood pressure may lead to serious health disorders like heart attacks, renal failure etc. It also may affect the nervous systems and vital organs of the human body. There are two types of hypertensions: Primary and secondary.Primary hypertension does not have many visible symptoms howeversecondary hypertension has prominent signs. It is more fatal in nature.
Common Signs and Symptoms
2.Intermittent headache
3.Chest pain
6.Breathing troubles
7.Lack of sleep
8.Insomnia and anxiety
Common causes
1.Life style and food habits
3.Smoking and alcohol
4.Intake of high salt
5.Over weight/ Obesity
6.Lack of physical exercise
7.Lower Potassium intake
8.Age (older)
9.High blood pressure often runs in families
10.Pathological conditions - kidney disease, hormonal disorders, thyroid disease, adrenal gland disease
11.Use of certain drugs, such as oral contraceptives, or herbs such as licorice.
Yogic Management
Clinically it is proven that yoga and meditation therapies have positive impact on control of hypertension.
How Yoga works on Hypertension?
When we do any exercise, the requirement of oxygen increases which in turn increases the blood pressure. When Yoga is practiced the requirement goes down and reduces the stress which in turn reduces the blood pressure physiologically. On the same time depends of the yoga position and breathing etc the internal organs and endocrine glands etc are stimulated which in turn helps in improving the health.
Pranayama -
Pranayama is control of breath, breathing. Hypertension is primarily related to psychological factors than physiological. When pranayama is practiced regularly it helps in reliving the stress which in turn helps normalise the hypertension naturally. Even simple breathing exercises like Deep Breathing, Quiet Breathing help reduce the mental stresses and strains. Pranayama has various types which are clinically proven effective for Hypertension.
Traditional yoga experts’ cautions that breathe holding type of Pranayama (Kumbi) should not be advised for Hypertension cases as it may increase the condition.
Meditation and its benefits on Hypertension
Meditation is study of concentration. Many researches had shown positive results on physical and Psychological body. The common benefits of meditation are
a.Positive impact on nervous system
b.Physical and psychological relaxation
c.Increase in positive energy, thinking, rationing and reduced stress
The basic meditations help achieve these results, it includes Om chanting Meditation. Especially for Hypertension patients, Om chanting for 15 minutes everyday had shown miraculous results.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is psychic sleep, this process helps remove physical, emotional and mental strains very easily and effectively. It also helps focus the mind and removes negative elements. This Yoga Nidra is easy to practice and given results in short time.
Common yoga poses recommended for Hypertension
1.Easy Pose - The Easy Pose helps in straightening the spine, slowing down metabolism, promoting inner tranquility, and keeping your mind still.
2.Shoulder Stretches - Shoulder Stretches are great in relieving stress and tension on your shoulders, as well as your entire upper back. Practice them daily for several weeks and notice the changes. Learn some basic stretches for the shoulders in this section.
3.Stand Spread Leg Forward Fold- People with lower back problems should avoid doing the full forward bend. For beginners, you may use props like a folding chair to support your forearms.
4.Half Spinal Twist - The Half Spinal Twist lengthens and strengthens the spine. It is also beneficial for your liver, kidneys, as well as adrenal glands. Practice this Yoga Pose under the supervision of a Yoga instructor. In this section, learn how to perform the Half Spinal Twist
5.Wind Relieving Pose - The Wind Relieving Pose works mainly on the digestive system. Specifically, it helps in eliminating excess gas in the stomach.
6.Anuloma Viloma- In this Breathing Technique, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, and exhale through the other nostril.
7.Alternate nostril breathing, is ideal for combating hypertension. This practice facilitates the proper flow of oxygen and blood in the body organs.
8.Meditating in the corpse pose regularly also helps in reducing mental stress and regulating blood pressure.